What is landscaping vs. hardscaping?

Modern landscaping refers to the designing, planning, and construction of gardens and other features that both create useable space for outdoor activities, and enhance the appearance around a home. Landscaping includes hardscaping and softscaping, although many people...

When should I aerate my lawn?

Aeration should take place during high growth periods. This is typically during the cooler times of the year when there’s plenty of rain, mainly the spring and fall. Aeration puts stress on the turf, which could be detrimental when the turf is highly stressed already...

What’s the difference between annuals and perennials?

Annuals grow for one season, and then die when the weather gets cold. Perennials grow for multiple seasons, and regrow every spring after being in dormancy during the winter. Examples of popular annuals in Pennsylvania are pansies, snapdragons, petunias, geraniums,...

How do I keep disease away from my plants?

With a few DIY techniques Keep your garden clean. Pick up plant debris, remove dying stems or branches, weed the area regularly, and toss the debris in the garbage. Fertilize just enough to keep your plants happy – too much fertilizer promotes weak growth which is...

How do I permanently get rid of weeds?

This is a tough one. The conditions that are good for plant growth are naturally good for weed growth. But, there are steps you can take to prevent weed growth early on, and remove weeds if they do appear. First of all, use a landscaping fabric in your flower beds and...